Thursday, September 4, 2014

Iss 9 P 42 "...uncle..."

This was a darker turn for the storyline, to be certain. In the initial script draft pages 39 through 42 were all one page. Yes, I know that the density of dialogue that I spread over those pages would not have worked. But if I had followed the original script there was considerably less dialogue going on, and iit all would have flowed together as one comics page of action... which would include page 3 of issue 10, which was also on that page.

I'll show you when we get there so as not to spoil anything.

But long and short is that once I saw the density of the art, I knew this had to get broken up, which changed the pacing quite a bit. And since by the time we got here we were up to 42 pages already, I also knew it was time to break the issue in half, otherwise we were going to end up with another Issue 4 scenario, where full pages were still being published and we still ran nearly 70 pages as I recall.

So what you end up with here is one panel- yep, this is just one panel of what Koen designed as one page- where I realized it offered me a rare opportunity to really take that dramatic license and go to town. So we explore Ronni's thoughts and ruminations on life and death and how she sees herself 'going out' someday as a crazy lunatic beats her to death.

Not the shiny happy goofy fun comic we usually put forth, with our wisecracking heroine triumphing with little or no effort, to be certain.

Some have expressed concern, which is good. That means that folks are invested in the character, which is great and it means we have done our jobs and that we have fans who really are rooting for our favorite girl. Some have expressed reservations because it seems as though the book is taking a turn to the darker side, which... well, have a little faith and see what happens is all I will say. And so far no one has guessed where the book is headed, but if we had an onsite forum then I suspect we would see much more of that debate in action.

So this was my turn at setting the stage, leaving a cliffhanger and giving the book a bit of a darker edge. I hope that you enjoyed it, and stick with us for things to come...

1 comment:

  1. I like the thought process in this scene, and the classic cliffhanger suspense.
    This definitely a side of Giant Girl I pleasantly surprised to see
    dark, but inspiring. Also gripping insight into the serious side of Giant Girl.
