Well, with the Patreon up and running and supporters already starting to filter in, it's time to start filling in this blog.
So with that said, let's first get a little something out of the way, shall we?
Thank you.
Thank you for your support, which will enable us to do so much more with the comic, and expand the boundaries of what we are currently doing. Thank you for reading, and for giving us your feedback and the impetus to continue. Thank you for enjoying ur work, and wanting to see more. Thank you for believing in us as creators. But most of all, thank you for being interested in the stories that we tell.
With that said, I will be posting here every time that we post up a page- still three times a week at current- with an in-depth breakdown and the behind the scenes commentary of just what's happening in Giant Girl Adventures.
So hang onto your big floppy hats. It's gonna be one hell of a ride.
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