Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Iss 9 P 37 "Great granny's griddlecakes!"

So to start off with, this is half a page. I carved the bottom half off for another page which you'll see on Friday, and I think you will agree that those pages would have made one really good page, but you wouldn't be ble to see half of the art without a microscope, and there's no room for me to be wordy. So I am pretty happy with the compromise we're arriving at. It also gives us a larger buffer, which will be more important when we go 5 days a week (a patreon goal.Koen likes our three times a week, and when we revved it up to five times a week we just burned through pages faster. but someday, right?

Meanwhile, Prom Queen continues to use slurs on Ronni, and I have to say I adore her expression in that second panel. That is hilariousI had planned kind of a different exit for her than this, but once Koen drew it I knew I had to use this. Though Wendie did completely have to reverse panel 3 to make it work.

Panel 4, I had all this room, I got expansive with the bickering sibling dialogue and gave Queenie some lines that actually come back around on later pages, coming soon.

You like the subtleties of our clues? We do too. How Ronni sees the world. "Look! A clue!"

That's about it for this one. Once again, a bunch of gamma correction made the colors darker and more vibrant, and I am loving our 'nightime' look in the strip Koed continues to work with the lighting, and the return of the 'THOOM' sound effect from back in issue 4.

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